The resettlement of refugees in the Republic of Argentina is undertaken jointly by the government, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and agencies of programme implementation in Argentina. In 2005, Argentina signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Resettlement of Refugees with UNHCR. According to the MOU, each year Argentina informs UNHCR of the number of persons that may be resettled in the country.
Eligibility Criteria:
need for legal and physical protection: due for example to an immediate or long-term threat of refoulement to the country of origin, expulsion to another country from where the refugee may be refouled, or a threat to physical safety or to human rights in the country of refuge, analogous to that considered under the refugee definition, and rendering asylum untenable;
survivors of violence and torture: resettlement in this case is subject to the availability of the necessary services;
women at risk: women that lack the traditional protection of their families or communities and that face physical and/or psychological threats (rape, sexual harassment, violence, exploitation, torture, among others);
children and adolescents: of unaccompanied minors or minors who have been separated from their families and who require specialized attention and specific measures of protection;
refugees with no prospect of local integration in the first country of asylum: for refugees who are unable to achieve integration after spending a certain amount of time in a country of asylum, and where there are no real possibilities of repatriation in the near future.
Family Reunification for Resettled Refugees: Argentina has facilitated the family reunification in its territory of members of the same family group, even when this involves a family member that has not previously been included in the resettlement registration forms submitted by UNHCR. Cases of family reunification do not form part of the annual resettlement quota.